F 331

Begonnen von Jan-Olof, 06 Januar 2009, 13:55:28

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I have a question regarding MFP F331.

According to HMA

- 26.09.43 im Hafen von Korfu durch italienische Flugzeuge versenkt [2]


According to 'Küstenschutzflott. Attika'

15.07.43 F331 von Mudros an Piräus
16.11.43 F331 zur Verf. Adm. Ägäis
17.11.43 F331 beim Leros Untern. versenkt

I have also read on


that F331 picked up the survivors from SF 6 on 30.9.1943 so it seems a bit mysterious that she should have been lost off Korfu on 26.9.1943.

Can anyone help to clarify this?

btw, this is my first message on this forum, I hope that I have not broken any rules.

Best regards,


Peter K.

Hello JAN-OLOF and WELCOME on bo(a)rd!

Unfortunately the war diary of the "Küstenschutzflottille Attika" as a primary source was not available in this case.
The information "26.09.43 im Hafen von Korfu durch italienische Flugzeuge versenkt" at HMA is from KUGLER´s "Chronik der amphibischen Verbände".

But it seems, you are right ...
... also BYRON TESAPSIDES mentioned the loss of F-331 on 17.11.1943 near Leros in his outstanding "Die Kriegsmarine in der Ägäis im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1941-1944" and
PETER SCHENK´s "Kampf um die Ägäis" told us, that F-331 was sunk by the british destroyer ECHO when it tried to leave the landing area near Panozimi together with F-497, F-123 and I-O-94.

Do you have access to the war diary of the "Küstenschutzflottille Attika"?
It would be great to add some new information to the database!  :wink:
Grüße aus Österreich
Peter K.



Hello Jan-Olof,

a very warm welcome to the FMA and the HMA. I am pretty proud to welcome you here as you came the this forum via the HMA. And as far as I can see, you are the first member who came by this way.

What you did is what we wanted -  :lol:. The database concerning the German landing craft (Marinefährprähme and others) is still under construction and will be so for a long time. But every discussion, every new information and every new detail are very welcome.

Peter gave you a first answer. The primary informations in the database came from Gröner's "Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe 1815 - 1945" and from Kugler's "Landungswesen" and his "Chronik der amphibischen Verbände der Marine". They have to be cross-checked and supplemented resp. completed by informations from the original war-diaries and other sources. So your information will be used as well. I think, some of the members who are "responsible" for the database will answer you, too.

Please stay "tuned" with the FMA and HMA!

Best regards,

Viele Grüße,



Hello Peter and Karsten,

Thank you very much for your answers. It's a very impressive site/forum that you have here. I have sent some data about

Küstenschutzflott. Attika

10. Sich. Div.

Geleit Sulina

Kdt. Seeverteid. Attika

to Peter. It's originally from Theo. I just transformed it from picture scans to text several years ago.

Best regards,



Hallo Jan-Olof

und herzlich willkommen im Forum. Deine Angaben sind soweit korrekt, nur stand F 331 schon ab dem 16.10.1943 dem Admiral Ägäis zur Verfügung.
Ich bin schon seit einiger Zeit dabei die Küstenschutzflottille Attika zu bearbeiten. Ergebnisse wird es dann zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt geben.



Hello René,

Thank you very much for correcting that error. I probably made a mistake when I converted Theo's scans.

Best regards,


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