Umfrage für Bachelorarbeit, Korruption in den Häfen Shanghai und Rotterdam

Begonnen von JinR, 22 Oktober 2019, 16:13:10

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I`m studying "International Shipping and
Chartering" at the Hochschule Bremen, Germany and currently I`m writing my
Bachelor thesis with the subject "Corruption in the ports of Shanghai and
Rotterdam and analysis of possible significant differences".

For an inner view and deeper understanding I would like to ask you for
your support! For my thesis I opened a survey that I wanted to spread
under people who already worked in the Port of Shanghai and/or the port of
Rotterdam to get real life information.
The survey will take approx. 5 minutes and it would mean a lot to me if
you can answer my survey and send it to other Shipmasters to get enough information that I can get maybe new empiric results about the subject, which is definitely a difficult one to talk
Your given Information will be held with respect and are 100% anonymous!

Below you`ll find the link to the survey.

Link to the survey:

Thank you very much in advance and best regards

Julian Radke

Impressum & Datenschutzerklärung