Zeitliche Gliederung der Umbauten an DL-Lutzow, Adm Scheer und Adm Graf Spee

Begonnen von Antonio Bonomi, 08 Mai 2007, 11:51:52

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Antonio Bonomi

Ciao UFO and all,

NICE choiche ..the Lasagne,..GOOD   :O/Y

The question is not  funny,..very cleaver as usual,...   :MZ:

I have never found a reference for a KM office or organization about camouflage schemes, ..  even if on a book   ' Arnstriche und Tarnanstriche der deutsche Kriegsmarine' there are references and hand made sketches examples surely made during war time I suppose.

Probably my German language limitations,......  :O/S

On the Italian Navy the designer for warship camouflages was Claudius, and he made all Italian ship camo schemes, I do not know who did it for the German ships.

But surely the German camo schemes were carefullly  made, if you think that Adm Hipper for example  copyied  HMS Liverpool and HMS Revenge camo schemes on 1940-41, so there was some intelligence  behind it.

Camouflages started with Graf Spee on 1939,.. and finished with  Adm Hipper on Kiel dry dock on 1945.....

Look at Tirpitz camo schemes in Norway with the raising sun on port side,.. and  long shadows on the starboard side, ...  obviusly made in consideration of the sun position compared to Norway mountains on the background  :MZ:.

Than all  ships on the 1940-41 while on the Baltic sea weared the so called ' Baltic camo scheme ' :  Bismarck, Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, Prinz Eugen, Lutzow, etc etc.   

So most was depending on the war  theatre they were supposed to be.

As far as Graf Zeppelin I think was a bit premature to have a paint scheme already decided before her commissioning, surely they were going to wait some months for the training on usual 2 tone grey's  dress,...  or a Baltic camo if ready on 1940-41, ...  than based on the mission  make a camo.

Not much of an help,.... sorry.

               Gruss  Antonio  :MG:

'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein


Hello Antonio!!!
thank you for answer!
wait for other works!
Admiral Hipper class I see. of course, perfectly!

with your permission another question:
where may be find camo point schemes of Italian Warship(about of You write) and camo schemes British Warship (cruisers, carriers, battleships, destroyers)?


Some british schemes you can find in Raven/Roberts "British bettleships of World War 2".
Gruß, Thorsten

"There is every possibility that things are going to change completely."
(Captain Tennant, HMS Repulse, 09.12.1941)

Forum MarineArchiv / Historisches MarineArchiv

Antonio Bonomi

Ciao Kortex,

about Italian warships,  recently a very complete book  for ALL camouflages as been published by Erminio Bagnasco and Maurizio Brescia  :


in that book there are at the end sections about  other navies camouflages too, so US Navy, Royal Navy, Kriegsmarine etc etc with some examples as well.

                        Ciao  Antonio  :MG:

'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein


Hello Antonio.
thank you very much for answer!
thank you very much t-geronimo!

this book for sure very interestingly, but...
I imply profile this ships in digital format (vector, gif, png)... sorry

I collect warships WW2 in digital grafics...
many thanks for any info :-)


thank you very much thank you very much!!!

Ich habe noch nie so ausführliche Text gesehen!!!

Danke Jungs! :MLL:


Hi Antonio: First thank you very much for your hard work on the GS camouflage and modifications. To my surprise I have not found in the drawings any reference onmodifications of the Vormarsgallerie and the Hauptleitstand on the Vormars, and the fact that for short time the Bäckerei of the ship was in a little room on the Aufbaudeck.
Again thank you very much for the work.

Antonio Bonomi

Ciao Daniel,

those modifications can be added if you can give me some more references on what you mean...no problems.

Again,..this is a never ending work,,.... and been more precise is only going to be good for everybody in the future.

So I wait for your inputs,..and with Abram we will make teh needed corrections....   :MG:

Ciao and thanks   Antonio  :O/Y
'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein


Hi Antonio and all from Uruguay: The problem to send the modifications of the Vormars is how. I have them in a copy of an original plan of the Plannungskammer 1934.   in the book of Koop-Schmolke Deutschland-Class (GS Section) you can see a picture of the ship with the old fighting top.I shall try to take foto of this part of the plan and send it to you per e-mail. The curious modification of the backery can you find it the section on Panzerschiff of the book of Sigfried Breyer: "Battleships and Battlecriusers 1905-1970" I cannot remember now the page but is only a little drawing with this detail.
Best wishes,

Antonio Bonomi

Ciao Daniel and all,

thanks, I will take a good look and let you know.

Ciao  Antonio  :MG:

'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein


Hello Antonio,

is there any chance that there will be also such series of wonderful pictures for Kriegsmarine light cruisers?!


Antonio Bonomi

Ciao  Crolick and all,

YES, one day  you will see both the light cruisers as well as the destroyer camouflages here as well, I promise.

Right now I am  working with Abram to finish off the remaining 4 big ships (Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau ) on this style drawing.

Once those will be completed, I will switch to light  cruisers and destroyers, and maybe Hilfskreuzers too.

The infos and knowledge is  there,,...but both me and Abram are currently very busy,.....so it is only a matter of time.

            Ciao  Antonio  :MG:
'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein

Antonio Bonomi

Ciao all,

here following my last effort on the Deutschland/Lutzow.

An useful reference I hope for everybody :


          Gruss   Antonio  :MG:

'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein




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