KTB Speerbrecher 168 March 25, 1944

Begonnen von André M, 04 Dezember 2018, 10:51:52

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André M

On March 25, 1944 the submarine U 976 and its convoy V604, V624, were attacked by six Mosquitos and six Fortress II in the North West of the Island of Yeu.

The losses of each:
V624: 2 dead and 7 seriously injured (including 3 from the submarine)
V604: 2 dead and 10 critically injured
U976: 2 dead (+2 sailors missing with the submarine).
The 48 survivors are brought half on each V-Boots.

After this attack, the medical services of the 6 VP-flotilla and the 6 U-flotilla, aboard the Speerbrecher 168, came to meet the V604, V624, providing first aid to the wounded, the 48 survivors of the submarine, and dead back by the V-Boots.

Has anyone consulted the KTB of SP 168 today and is there any information? And is it in the archives?

Visit to the German cemetery Pornichet

Geist Wilhelm GEFR.   *18-10-22/+25-3-44  : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1188 (V624?)
Wessely Karl GEFR.    *11-6-25/+25-3-44 : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1189 (gefallen-V604)
Pawlaszcyk Johann OGEFR. *13-4-18/+25-3-44 : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1190 (V624?)
Degen Josef (Johann) OGEFR:*13-8-24/+25-3-44 : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1191 (HMA: V604)

Krist Josef OGEFR.   *6-4-20  / +25-3-44  : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1192 (U-976)
Mittler Gerhard MT.   *18-12-19/+25-3-44 : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1193 (U-976)

Bartylla Paul    BTSMT    *3-8-18/+29-3-44 : Pornichet B9_ R37_ Grab 1194 (V604)

These 7 sailors rest in the cemetery of Pornichet, all in the same place.

In the KTB 6 VP-flo:

Among the crew of the V 624, the names:

Kommandant Oblt. z.S.d.R . Hansen, Hans.(Schwerverletzte)
Obersteuermann   Olschewski (I.V. Strm. Mt.) (schwerverwundete)

Masch.       Bornamann (Lecksicherung)       Matr.Gefr. Lappöhn
Strm.Mt.       Mülfarth                Sig.Gef.    Allen
Sig.Ob.Gefr.    Dreyer
(KTB (Abschnitt Maschine))
Masch. Ob.Gefr. Glaunke auf Masch.
-Wache und Masch. Ob. Gefr. Grener

Among the crew of the V 604, the names:

Kommandant Ob.Strm. Vogt
Btsmt.       Bartylla            Sig.Ob.Gefr.    Gartner
Fk.Ob.Gefr.    Eisenecker            Matr.Gefr.       Wolf
Fk.Ob.Gefr.    Wessely  (Gefallen)

Thank you for your reply
André M.

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