Forum Marinearchiv

Medien => Bücher => Thema gestartet von: Antonio Bonomi am 05 November 2005, 20:43:20

Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: Antonio Bonomi am 05 November 2005, 20:43:20
Ciao all,

well, after more than 2 years of research and study I am pleased to announce that my re-construction of the Denmark Strait battle is on the printing .

Thanking Mr. Erminio Bagnasco ( one of the most famous Naval History writers we have in Italy on Regia Marina ) managing the magazine '' Storia Militare '' ( Military History in Italian ) covering a lot of Naval History, and Editor Ermanno Albertelli which prints the magazine, my work will be published on December 2005.

The article is very complete and correlated with every reference currently available and analized as said personally by Mr. Bagnasco, one of the most competent reviewer I could have found on the entire world Naval community.

My personal Thanks to Mr. E. Bagnasco very high level competences about Naval warfare.

The article is written in Italian but inside the magazine you will find my last version battle map ( on A3 format ), a singular drawing of the ships involved with data, bearings and hits sustained, many unpublished photos of Bismarck in action each of one correlated with the battle map, including some photos of the damages on the PoW.

To order the magazine from all over the world it is enough to write an e-mail to :

you can see the link on their webpage here in :

The magazine number is Nr. 147 of December 2005 as said.

Magazine cost is 5 Euros, plus of course shipping and handling.

Now the real events at Denmark Strait are preserved forever, while I hope to see improvements on the future.

Soon I will be able to provide you also a German full translation of the text.

                      Ciao Antonio  :D
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: harold am 05 November 2005, 21:26:23
So I sent to their address:
"Egregissimi Signori,
lei vorebbe notare la mia ordonazione della numera 147/dec 05.
Lasciate savver´mi la modalitá della transazione financiale.
Mag. Harold Winkel
Gymnasiumstr. 16/21
A-1180 Wien/Vienna
Hope I did right. Otherwise, send me an advise how to do better!

Ciao di Vienna,
Titel: My article
Beitrag von: Antonio Bonomi am 06 November 2005, 13:02:51
Ciao Harold and all,

tu sei sempre una persona splendida e gentile. Grazie  :D  

You are always a great person my friend, Thanks  :D

I am having problems reaching you with  my e-mails, maybe your last e-mail address  I have is changed, can you write me privately.  Grazie  :D .

You just did well with the ordering, I think they can manage any language including German  of course.

In any case let me know if you have problems so I can help you from here thru the editor.

I can ensure you that  the quality of the paper and the printing is far superior to average, so having this magazine is much better than having a book,  and all the photos and maps I have placed in there are  worth the price which is really low, than I will make sure to have teh text translated on all the possible languages so  everybody can enjoy the reading of history.

       Ciao amico mio, ci sentiamo presto.  Antonio  :D
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: harold am 06 November 2005, 13:13:33
Ciao Antonio,
as I did write, just a few minutes ago, I´d shurely would be fond of doing my best to review your article HERE and give some literally traductions of the most important parts.
Looking forwrd to your mail,
Ciao, caro!
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: t-geronimo am 06 November 2005, 14:31:03
I received the article.

It looks very good on the first view but I will need a couple of days to study the details.
Titel: Denmark Strait article
Beitrag von: Antonio Bonomi am 06 November 2005, 16:01:05
Ciao Thorsten and all,

very good !

Please take your time as of course I count a lot on your as well as many others very competent guys help on this article evaluation and challenge.

Only in this way first of all history re-construction is preserved,  positive discussion  goes on and at the end there are advantages for the whole community of readers and person with those ships/history passion.

This is of course not to be the last thing written on this subject, as I am sure many more will  be added on ( hopefully a lot better researched too ),  but for sure it is a huge step forward and hopefully it  'cleans  the sky' of many wrong statements, books and articles written on the subject for more than 60 years were persons even arrived to allow  reversed photos to be evaluated  :shock:  :shock:.

Remember that as you can verify, a lot of the material I have used was available since  many years, so why such a poor job done thru the years about this battle  :?:  :?:

No intention to judge anybody from neither side,  so no judgement on Admiral Holland,  Lutjens or Wake Walker,..... nor to Captain Leach, Phillips, Ellis, Brinkmann or Lindemann, .. the events are all listed and the readers will make their own opinion.

Both Hood, Bismarck  and Prince of Wales sailors that died on the war deserved a better treatment  by historians, so I only did it for their memories, no flags, ... just for them, Admirals included ( Rest In Peace ).

I wait for your competent comments my friends and thanks for the time.

                    Ciao  Antonio  :D
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: harold am 06 November 2005, 17:41:13
Nachdem Antonio mir den Artikel gemailt hat, sowie auch viele viele Fotos, die in den Text eingebunden sein werden,
hier mein erster Eindruck dazu:

Fangen wir mal mit dem Bildmaterial an:

- Fotos, bekannte und weniger bekannte, eingebunden in eine in Minutenschritte aufgegliederte Gefechtskarte (sehr übersichtlich)
- Gefechts-Skizzen, sowohl von deutscher als auch englischer Seite, mit den Daten der entsprechenden Salvenwechsel,
- dies umgezeichnet auf ein Gesamtbild,
- Schadensfotos von POW,
- Schiffs-Skizzen mit Trefferdiagrammen sowie graphischen Analysen, ab wann die achteren Türme von HOOD und POW zum Tragen kamen,
- Übersicht über Salvenfolgen und Entfernungen,
- exakte Quellenangaben zu den Bildern.
Fotos im Text S/W, auf den Umschlagseiten zwei Gemälde von Zeitzeugen in Farbe.

Der Text ist klar und eindeutig gehalten, verweist bei sehr vielen Details (WaBo-Einsatz auf PG, zB) auf Quellen und Fotos.
Die Textstruktur folgt stringent dem zeitlichen Ablauf; die eingeflochtenen direkten Zitate sind knapp, jedoch illustrierend gewählt; für weitere Anmerkungen gibt es eine ausführliche Fußnotenleiste sowie übersichtliche Quellenauflistung.
Bei der Danksagung am Schluss tauchen einige HIER nicht ganz unbekannte Namen auf ...

Das einzige, was mir schleierhaft ist, wie der Verlag einen Preis von 5 Euro kalkulieren kann ... gut, ich habe das Heft natürlich noch nicht in Händen gehalten, aber wenn ich von der Repoduktionsgröße der Fotos auf ihre Druckqualität schließe, dann kann ich nur EINE Empfehlung abgeben:


(Sobald ich mein Exemplar aus dem Briefkasten gefischt haben werde, gibts weitere Bemerkungen dazu).

Bravissimo, caro amico, hai scritto un articolo molto stringente, comparando tutte le fonte disponibile; ed in piú edito profondamente illustrato!
Grazie per mostrarló a noi, ed sto curiosamente sperando a ricievare il tuo libello,

Titel: My article
Beitrag von: Antonio Bonomi am 25 November 2005, 20:55:13
Ciao all,

here it comes ........ only 25.000 copies available.
              Ciao Antonio  :D
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: Andre-As am 08 Januar 2006, 21:05:19
Hi Antonio,

thanks to your indication I have ordered a copy of the Storia Militare magazine (issue 12/2005) including the print of your Bismarck story.

I fully agree with Harold; those pages (25 of them) are absolutely worth of the money requested for the magazine.

A small disadvantage for me: contrary to Harold  :wink:  my own knowledge of the Italian language is quite limited. I can understand about 50% of the story, but for my feeling it is not enough. Would it be possible to receive the same story in English? I would appreciate it very much.
Please check your private e-mail for the additional data.
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: harold am 08 Januar 2006, 21:51:06

---da hab ich vor Zeiten mal versprochen, a bissl was auf Deutsch zu übersetzen, und ´s dann total verschwitzt!

Sollte es mit´m englischen Text nicht klappen ... PN an mich mit den Dingern, die unverständlich bleiben; werd´s dann versuchen zusammenzufassen.

Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: t-geronimo am 08 Januar 2006, 22:56:17
Ulrich Rudofsky könnte da eventuell auch dran sein.

Machts nicht doppelt, sondern sprecht euch lieber ab.
Titel: The real events on Denmark Strait battle
Beitrag von: harold am 08 Januar 2006, 23:08:48
Keine Angst, ich mach keine "Übersetzung", sondern biete nur Schnellhilfe zum Verständnis an.  
--obwohl : für manche technische Begriffe war ich auch überfordert.
Titel: My article translations
Beitrag von: Antonio Bonomi am 09 Januar 2006, 08:20:19
Ciao Andre, and all

you are absolutely right !

In Italian the possibility for the majority of persons interested ( of course English and German languaged )  are very limited.

That is why I have asked some friends to translate it on various languages.

In English I made it myself ( very Italian English style )  and I have it ready  to send it to you.
Now I have a better  English written copy under revision ( done by an American friend ).

In German is on going  by a friend as well, but not ready yet.

Than I have it  planned in French and Spanish as well.

This Bismarck argument is very interesting for many persons all over the world, been  one of the most important battles of WW 2.  

I have checked my mail but I have not found your e-mail, so if you want me to send  you the translation  just drop me an e-mail on were to send it  and you will have it soon, together with something more than it is not into the article and I am sure it will be interesting to have.

                                    Ciao Antonio :D