Unbekannter ritterkeuzträger

Begonnen von mkrivchenko, 16 Dezember 2024, 12:30:15

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


" Doenitz and Speer watch S-boats and U-boats at sea. Grossadmiral and Reichsminister see Germany's most successful attack vessels. Six S-boats practise night attack on convoy, turning away after firing torpedoes; Fieseler Storch flies past and records aerial shot of depth charge exploding, part of simulated response by enemy to German U-boats ready to attack. Speer, wearing Organisation Todt armband, is next seen aboard U-boat, on deck before vessel submerges, in engine room, passing through vessel, looking through periscope, following track of torpedo through water, and seated in mess with U-boats officers and Admiral drinking brandy before U-boat surfaces. Standing on deck of review ship with Korvettenkapitän Reinhard Suhren, Speer with Doenitz at his side sees twelve Type VII U-boats sail past, all armed with Flak and with painted white bands round conning towers and with crews standing on deck."
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