ID=2342 Name=Bauer, Ernst

Begonnen von Andreas A, 05 November 2021, 06:58:02

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.


Hi Andreas,

Keeping track of over 80,000 names is almost impossible, so any help is most welcome.

in 3 weeks i have updated more than 1,000 names for next update.
Lots of work.

Cheers Herb.
Karma, usa


Andreas A

Hi Herb!

Good work. I know what that means myself. I am currently in the process of synchronizing my data from earlier (10 years ago) with yours. Had almost the same lists once (with Horst Schmeisser, etc.). When I find something, I write a message.

Greetings Andreas

Carlos Benemann

I admire your working stick-to-it-ness Hubertus on this monster job.! I have only dealt with 1400 names from 4 ships.
It took me 2 decades in several archives and a number of private collections in 5 countries to get them all sorted and figured out, file them, get the bio data, find the photos, translate and now a bit at a time enter them here in German.
But it is an interesting and entertaining side activity for me.

On that note, can anyone refer me on the Rußland Archive der vor kurzen geöffnet wurde? Da war hier im HMA irgendwo ein Eingang aber ich kann die Referenz nicht mehr finden.

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