
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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Hi Tino,

Yes, I have also looked for a photo with the correct windows. It must be that the house was rebuilt in the late 1930ies. The background is, without a doubt, Binz. The match is eaven better whith the postcard. The jetty has been rebuilt today.

It could be that the jetty house was rebuilt when the Kurhaus Binz hotell was confiscated in 1938. The full story here:

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Hallo Alo,

ja, du hast Recht. Die Landzunge ist sehr markant.
Habe auch vielen Dank für den Link zur Geschichte von Herrn Kaba-Klein.




More from the Ebay de link. Note that it is not only the text that can be wrong. The backside pictures have also been mixed up on some of the photos!

Holzapfels wife in Viareggio.

It is difficult to see if the girl with sun glasses in Binz is the same as on the Viareggio photos. I think it is and it looks lika they at least had the same hand bag.

Photo 1. She is standing in front of an old house with a tower. I thought it was going to be easy to find the place but it turned out that the house is gone (bombed in 1944?) leaving only a lawn park (to the right on the "present" photo). The photo was taken close to the present hotel President. This hotel has been rebuilt several times and looks compleatly diffrent each time. There are two old houses that looks the unchanged today (blue and green arrows)

Photo 2. She stayed at Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte. A very nice hotel! She must have had money.

Photo 3 and 4. Outside the hotel at Piazza Maria Luisa.  No 3 shows the beach house in front of the hotel. It is still there. No 4 shows the fountain with the hotel to the left on the "present" photo.

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More Ebay de/Holzapfel

These two fotos were probebly sent to Holzapfel by someone in the crew on his old boat S 151. Holzapfel was in the Baltic at the time.

The photos describes the damage to the boat and crew on the 26 July 1944 in the Mediterranean.

The action is described in the HMA. Link:

I can not read all the text. I think it goes something like this:~

"Das ist der Rest von
dem gefecht von 26. VII. 44.
und E.K. Vergiftung"

"Nach dem Gefecht.
Wie leicht hatte dem
ich ist gehen kommen"

Please help to get it correct.

Are the crew names of any intrest to the HMA crew liste? There are not many names under S 151.

I would assume that it is Lt Pankow in the group photo. I think it is the guy from the second photo that has written to Holzapfel. It looks like he is sitting in front of Pankow on the group photo.


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Hallo Alo,

der erste Text lautet
"Das ist der Rest nach
dem Gefecht am 26. VII. 44.
und E.K. Verleihung

Im Lazarett: ...  gefallen: ... "

Beim zweiten Foto steht
"Nach dem Gefecht:
Wie leicht hätte das
schief gehen können"



Thank you Tino,

I am a little suprised how easy he (the text writer) takes the death of 5 fellow crew members and at the same time congratulates himself to have survived. I guess it is very difficult to imagen nowadays how it was back then.

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More Ebay de / Holzapfel.

The officer group photos shows Schnellbootlehredivision on Adolf Lüderitz, probebly in May 1944. Siems has not got his DkiG (9 Juni 44). Four of the officers are also on the Svaneke (Bornholm) photos that had text Mai 44.

They are probebly training the 1. Schnellbootschulflottille.

The "family day" photo also shows Adolf Lüderiz in Swinemünde. There are some intresting ships in the background.

I found the harbour with the S 118 R and the S 109 F boats. It is in Rönne, Bornholm. A similar photo is in Krigsschauplatz Ostsee 1943, page 92.

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Sorted out some more of the Holzapfel photos.

I think these are all from the same roll of film as the "Rönne" photo. They are then probebly all taken from S 118 "R".

The officer in the middle on the bridge looks like an Korvettenkapitän. Who could that be?


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More Holzapfel /Ebay de.

There are several photos taken from Adolf Lüderitz with 1 SSchulFtl boats etc. They are probably from the same roll of film.

I think the two interior photos shows Holzapfels new 11 SFtl office/cabin on board Adolf Lüderitz. The 11 Sftl did not get any Schnellboote while Holzapfel was commander in June 1944. The photos must be from spring/early summer based on the flowers.

Is it SH or SX in the back ground on one of the photos?

Is it possible to say the typ of Torpedoboat? Text on the photo looks like T 3i.

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More Holzapfel / Ebay de

Holzapfel became commander of the 5 SFtl 3 July 1944 and left Swinemünde for Helsinki on 11 July withe Hermann von Wissman, S 65, S67 and S 80 (HMA)

There are some more photos from the same roll of filme here.  Link:

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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 27 Oktober 2024, 15:59:19I think the two interior photos shows Holzapfels new 11 SFtl office/cabin on board Adolf Lüderitz.
Schöne Kabine :O/Y

Zitat von: alo41 am 27 Oktober 2024, 15:59:19The 11 Sftl did not get any Schnellboote while Holzapfel was commander in June 1944.
Als Ausbildungsboote der 11. S-Fltl waren 15.6.- 1.7.1944 die Boote S 19 und S 24 gemeldet

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Hi Urs,

Yes, I missed S 19 and S 24 in HMA.

This information makes me belive that the officer group photo is from the new 11 SFtl (and not SLD). It would explain why Kptlt Schneider and Siems are needed in the 11 SFtl (supervise the training on S 19 and S 24). It is still taken on AL.

I also now think that the Holzapfel cabin photos are from Hermann von Wissmann (and not AL) and the 11 SFtl in June/July. A drawing of CP and AL shows the Ftl chef cabin as having round windows (not square as on the photo). HvW has square in that possition. The photo shows HvW in the camouflage that were applied in Finland. I think she still had it on the capitulation photo in 1945.

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Urs Heßling


ich suche immer noch, wer der recht große Marineoffizier mit DKiG sein könnte, der im Bild als zweiter von links, auf anderen Bildern (in Beitrag #1974) rechts von Holzapfel zu sehen ist.
Ein möglicher Kandidat (nur anhand Verleihdatum DKiG (15.10.43) und Dienststellung in der Schnellboots-Lehrdivision) wäre Gerhard Meyering, wobei ich ihn, den ich als sehr alten Herrn noch kennenlernte, als nicht so groß in Erinnerung habe

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



Holzapfel / Ebay de photos

I found the danish ferry Hammershus (later Begleitschiff Buea) on the Rönne photo. The ferry has not been repainted so it is probebly May 1944.

The tabels from Urs shows Kpltn Siems as commander (under supervison?) of 11 Sftl on 1 July 1944. I think it confirms the group photo as 11 SFtl officers.
Holzapfel was then already with the 5 Sftl. S 65, S 67, S 80 and HvW were also transfered a few days later to 5 SFtl.

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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 30 Oktober 2024, 14:15:21Holzapfel was then already with the 5 Sftl. S 65, S 67, S 80 and HvW were also transfered a few days later to 5 SFtl.
Nach Befehl : praktisch gleichzeitig
Bis zum 2.7.1944 ist Oblt.z.S. Stohwasser stv. Flottillenchef, ab 3.7. Kptlt Holzapfel
Im KTB FdS für den Zeitraum 1.- 15.7. wird Holzapfel als Flottillenchef genannt.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"

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