Captain F.J.Walker ... nicht nur ein Held ?

Begonnen von Urs Heßling, 25 Juli 2012, 17:32:52

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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Man muss natürlich auch diese Erfahrungen respektieren, die Walker mit deutschen U-Booten machte:

At dawn next morning, the Group sighted a dinghy tossing dangerously in a choppy sea and heavy swell. In it were five survivors from the crew of a Liberator which had been attacked by four JU 88s eight days before. The bomber had destroyed one enemy plane before being shot down herself, with the pilot and sergeant co-pilot dead at the controls. Shortly after the remainder of the crew had taken to the dinghy, a U-boat surfaced alongside. The aircrew asked the Germans for some drinking water, to be needed badly in the days ahead, but, in Captain Walker’s own words: “This simple request from a beaten adversary was refused by the gallant U-boat captain in accordance with the accepted traditions of the U-boat Arm.” Only a few hours before being picked up by Wild Goose, two more officers in the dinghy had died of exposure and thirst. Another, a Sergeant Bareham, was seriously wounded and in spite of continuous medical treatment died on September 10th. Seven hours later, Pilot Officer Collins also died of exposure and exhaustion. They were buried at sea from Wild Goose the same day.

Aus dem Kapitel:
Captain Frederic John Walker: Secret Weapons


Wie man im Englischen sagt, 'Two wrongs don't make a right'.

Da die Moderation auch einen relevanten Beitrag erledigt hat, hier nochmal die Infos. Das Verhalten von Walker verstiess m.E. gegen:

1) Haager Landkriegsordnung X, Art 14 (Behandlung von Schiffbruechigen):

2) Genfer Abkommen 1929, Art. 5 (Auskunftsverpflichtung gefangener Soldaten)

Bin mir aber nicht sicher ob es zu einem Verbrechen wird solange wie niemand deswegen umkam - und das ist eben von den bezeugten Vorfaellen so nicht zu erkennen.

Alles Gute


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