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Webseite Historisches Marinearchiv => Schiffsverluste Griechenland => Thema gestartet von: Dido am 08 Januar 2016, 17:14:50

Titel: Passagier-Frachter COSTAS
Beitrag von: Dido am 08 Januar 2016, 17:14:50
In the page for the coastal passenger ship COSTAS at:
there are some inconsistencies and missing information in the following part:
Zitat1899 von der istanbuler Werft ,,Ansaldo" (Tochtergesellschaft der bekannte italienischen Werft ,,Cantiere Ansaldo", Sestri Ponente, Genova) in Istanbul, Osmanisches Reich, als Pasagier-Frachter ARFAN fertig gestellt.
1921 nach dem Ende des griechisch-türkischen Krieges (1919-1922) in Mytilene, Insel Lesbos, Griechenland.
1923 Besitz von von W. Absalom, Großbritannien. In ANZAK umbenannt.
1925 von Dimitrios D. Kostas, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, abgekauft und in COSTAS umbenannt.
1930 Besitz von G. und S. Moraitis, Insel Spetses, Griechenland.
1932 Besitz von G. Haramis, Insel Spetses, Griechenland.
1933 an die Familie Togias verkauft. Besitzerin Frau Elli Togias später Herr Alkiviades K. Togias, Piräus, Griechenland.
1937 Besitz von Frau Evangelia Togias, Ehefrau von Konstantinos A. Georgiou, Piräus, Griechenland.

First of all, the vessel was built in 1905 not 1899.
Secondly, from research I once did in Salonica Registers I have found that she was named COSTAS prior to be renamed ANTZAK (written in Greek register as such) .
Actually, as KOSTAS she was registered in Mytilene (No.5 register) in 1921.
Her renaming to ANTZAK had occurred prior to 1923. Already in 1922 she was being operated by William Apsalom under the British flag, sailing from Salonica to the Dardanelles via Lemnos and Tenedos. The actual spelling of her name could have been ANZAC, maybe from the acronym Anzac of the Australian-New Zealand Army Corps.

I add with italics some additions to the rest of the 1925-37 period:
2/4/25: Registered in Salonica (No.9) under ownership of Dimitrios Kostas, Salonica.
1/30: Sold to G. & S.Moraitis, Spetses.
8/32 auctioned to Jacob Molho, Salonica
9/32: Sold to G. Haramis, Spetses.
12/32: Sold to Elli Togia, Piraeus, wife of Evangelos Togias. (Her name was later given to the passenger ship ex-STAMIRA, ex-ELSI).
3/33 deleted from Salonica; registered in Piraeus (No. 716).

5/33: sold to Evangellia Togia, sister of Evangelos & Alkiviades Togias
6/36: sold to Alkiviades  Togias
6/37: sold to Evangelia Togia as a family gift due to her marriage with Cpt.Konstantinos Georgiades (not Georgiou)
I upload a photo of the ship with Cpt. Georgiades in front (attachment 1) found while collecting material for the book"Arodo"

It is also worth noting that on 27/10/43 she was deleted from Piraeus register but on 27/6/45  the deletion was revoked and COSTAS was re-instated in the register. This occurred following her salvage in mid 1945 at Syros by her pre-war owners. Postwar she was operated as a cargo ship and I believe that she is the COSTAS which appears in G.Georgiou's photo collection of postwar motor ships (attachment 2, in comparison to a prewar photo).

Some additional information on the ship can be found at: