I have been asked to give my views on the disappearance of the submarine HMS Turbulent. For those interested in the subject, this was published on the Linton blog:
Comments are welcome.
Platon Alexiades
Thank you, Platon.
Very nice job, you did.
Hi Platon,
in these days I´m going through the KTB Skl für 03/1943 looking for additions on the HMA-Datenbanken etc.
I saw some accounts of german and italian attacks on submarines (sea & air) on the Mittelmeerfront.
Because this incidents are not my priority high interests, I did´t accounted them for.
Maybe we can match your records with the KTB Skl Einträge - and maybe other members would check other war diaries?
Could be an interesting discussion here through the long weekend coming soon.
Regards & :MG:
Hello Platon,
quite off-topic:one of the attack was against HMS/M UNISON
--/>/> https://www.historisches-marinearchiv.de/projekte/asa/ausgabe.php?where_value=2751
KTB Skl, 23.03.1943, S. 474:ZitatIn enger Sicherung an einem Geleit "Ceila Olu" stehende 2 Ju 88 beobachteten bei Kap Spartivento Versenkung eines der Geleitschiffe durch Ubootsangriff und haben vermuteten Standort des Angreifers mit 4 Bomben beworfen.
Hello Darius,
Many thanks for your comments. Are you looking for anything in particular about the attack by HMS Unison? The HMA link is quite correct.
Best regards,
Hi Platon,
no, only a small addition ("Beifang").
As for TURBULENT: Did you check the KTB Skl für any more hints?
Hello Darius,
Yes, I checked the SKL diaries but it did not have anything that I could not find elsewhere at least as far HMS Turbulent was involved. The diary of the 22.UJ-Flottille was particularly useful for other submarines lost during this period (HMS Tigris and HMS Thunderbolt for example) but again did not impact directly Turbulent so is not listed. There were many more files checked but I could not list them all as there were some space limitations.
Best regards,
Nur zur Vollständigkeit, da ist gerade im gleichen Dokument drin war:
Auszug aus Admiralty War Diary, 23.03.1943.
Thank you Darius. The document you showed comes actually from the War Diary Summaries ADM199/2258, TNA, which is listed in my sources (referred to by Fold3.com as "Admiralty War Diaries"). This is not technically a war diary but a collection of signals received at the Admiralty.
Best regards,