Begonnen von siono, 23 November 2009, 13:03:42

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Hello I'm very interested GERMANSKIM CRAFT ODENWALD 1923 I unsuccessfully LOOKING FOR PHOTOS OF ITS CASE FOR Stapel and ODENWALD - BLENCHEIM the American flag. I sincerely hope CHEW any help! With RESPECT SERGEY


Hallo Siono,
ein Bild, das Du suchst habe ich leider nicht, aber ich stelle mal ein anderes ein, viellecht kennst Du es ja?

Schönen Gruß
,,Ruhe in den Telefonen. Denkt daran, daß auch in England auf jeden Mann eine Mutter wartet!" KzS Helmuth Brinkmann Kommandant der ,,Prinz Eugen"  in der Dänemarkstrasse am  24. Mai 1941, nachdem die ,,Hood" kurz davor explodiert worden war.


good day! Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately I do not know, explain please? respectfully sergei

Ulrich Rudofsky

Ulrich Rudofsky


Zitat von: siono am 24 November 2009, 14:45:21
good day! Thank you for your answer! Unfortunately I do not know, explain please? respectfully sergei
Hallo Sergej
a picture, what do You looking I have not, but I show You another. May be You are know it?
,,Ruhe in den Telefonen. Denkt daran, daß auch in England auf jeden Mann eine Mutter wartet!" KzS Helmuth Brinkmann Kommandant der ,,Prinz Eugen"  in der Dänemarkstrasse am  24. Mai 1941, nachdem die ,,Hood" kurz davor explodiert worden war.


Good evening! THANK show me your photo. With RESPECT SERGEY


http://www.nmm.ac.uk/cgi-bin/empower?DB=histphotos                                                                                                                                           good day! If you enter in this link where FIND WRITE ODENWALD HIGHLIGHTING MERCHANT SHIPS Select checkbox NEAR BOOLEAN QUERY and press ENTER, and it will give TWO PHOTOS ODENWALD - BLENHEIM under the American flag! But I am not displays photos! CAN U somebody, I WILL SUCCEED, I hope anyone's any help! With RESPECT SERGEY

Ulrich Rudofsky


I cannot open any of  the cgi/computer generated images on that page.  All I see is a little red X in the boxes

1-2 of 2 items

odenwald: 2
check any of these items to refine your results:


  BLENHEIM (Am) 50.1 1923
General cargo, motor
Score: 100%, Matching: odenwald

  BLENHEIM (Am) 50.1 1923
General cargo, motor
Score: 100%, Matching: odenwald

Ulrich Rudofsky


Me not either.

That website seems to work not properly.
Gruß, Thorsten

"There is every possibility that things are going to change completely."
(Captain Tennant, HMS Repulse, 09.12.1941)

Forum MarineArchiv / Historisches MarineArchiv


Good day! Found small photo capture ODENWALD Americans, Americans on the boat approaching the stern of the vessel. Unfortunately the name of the vessel did not make out whether ODENWALD whether WILLMOTO??? The way I recommend from time to vremyani checked eBay this photo, I accidentally found out there! Sincerely Sergei


Good evening. Prompt please somebody in any room and for what month the magazine LIFE, November, December 1941 or January or February 1942 were published photos of MS ODENWALD 1923? I know for sure that the photos were published in the journal LIFEBut unfortunately I do not know in what issue of the journal LIFE and for any month or dek5abr November 1941 or January or February 1942 they published it? Also if I am not mistaken LIFE magazine published several times a month! I hope very much for your help. With respect to you, Sergey

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