Classification of auxiliary M- and R-boats

Begonnen von zielschiffe, 16 März 2016, 10:24:39

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Hello people, this question just occurs to me. In Kriegsmarine, the bigger minesweepers and converted large trawlers were typically classified as M-boats, while the smaller coastal minesweepers and converted drifters were classified as R-boats. But later in the war, some KFKs were also classified as M-boats, such as those in the 36th M-boat flotilla. Given the small size of KFKs, why they were classified as auxiliary M-boats rather than auxiliary R-boats?

Urs Heßling


Zitat von: zielschiffe am 16 März 2016, 10:24:39
.. while the smaller coastal minesweepers and converted drifters were classified as R-boats.
Normally, only purpose-built boat-size warships (German and from occupied countries like France, the Netherlands, etc., and some single cases of conquered units like MTB 314) carried the R-prefix.
The exception to that were eight small motor fishing vessels from Hamburg-Finkenwärder which became R 111 - R 118 in September, 1939. This decision was rescinded in 1940 after "Sea Lion's" demise and the boats got a M-prefix.
After that, all auxiliary minesweepers, large and small, carried the M-prefix. Thus, the classification of KFKs with a M-prefix was quite logical.

greetings, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Thank you very much! The question is perfectly explained by your answer! :MG:


Neben den Motorfischkuttern aus HF  gab es noch die Segelyachten
R-Boote SEEGEIST und SEEHUND ( KTB  BA/MA RM  70/ 98)     
Diese Yachten suchten in den flachen baltischen Gewässern nach Minen.
Ob man die kurzzeitig 1940 unterstellten französischen Hilfs- R-Boote dazu nehmen kann ?
Weiter hat es glaube ich bei der 6. Sicherungsflottille noch Räumboote gegeben welche keine
aktive Räumboote waren.
Bei den Minensuchbooten wurde alles genommen bis hin zu kleinen Booten auf der Seine.



...ärgere dich nicht über deine Fehler und Schwächen, ohne sie wärst du zwar vollkommen, aber kein Mensch mehr !


That's interesting for the 2 sailing yachts. For the French boats, IIRC they were classified as foreign R-boats (R-boote Ausland) instead of auxiliary R-boats (hilfs R-boote)?


Another related question:
For minesweeping boats in the Aegean kustenschutzflottillen, for example 12M1, 12M2, 12M12... or some boats in the black sea with WM- designations in the black sea, such as those in the Croatian naval legion's minesweeping groups, were they officially classified as 'auxiliary M-boats' (hilfs M-boote) or "coastal defense boats" (kustenschutzboote)? :?

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