The Bismarck 86 seconds !!!

Begonnen von Antonio Bonomi, 11 Juni 2012, 17:51:55

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Thanks a lot Antonio!  top

With regard to the mystery object, it looks as if it could be folded down (backwards). What about that it contains the coupling for the fuel hose used during replenishment at sea?

On the other hand, in that area - both on port and starboard side - we have galleries. Maybe there is a rubbish shredder directly under that object. Is there an outlet in the hull?

Happy guessing ~ Olaf!
Stau ist nur hinten blöd, vorne geht´s ...

Antonio Bonomi

Hello everybody,

@ Olaf,

it can be what you said so a waste container, or a container for tools, but it can be a cabinet for the crane control, or for the extendable arm used to recover the Arado, or some comand cabinet for the boats, I really do not know what it is.

But it is there one each side as you saw.

What is important is that we know now, thanking that cabinet, were the PK cameraman was on Prinz Eugen starboard side making the film of the Bismarck after the turn to starboard, ... so after 06.03 and 30 seconds ... during the Denmark Strait battle.

On the other side of the Prinz Eugen, ... so on port side, ... we know were it was located once there taking film of the British warships ( Hood and PoW ), he was exactly were the modified railings used to connet the bridge to get outboard of the ship were. It is well proven by the existing film and photos.

Here under, on this aerial view photo of Prinz Eugen taken on 1945, ... I showed with 2 arrows were he was and in which direction he was making film and Lagemann was taking the photos. To go from one side to the other they used the aisle just under the Arado hangar.

Now everything is easy to be understood, and it is also logic, they were not disturbing any shooting operation of the ship in action once there and could move one side to the other of Prinz Eugen in few seconds.

Bye / Gruss Antonio  :MG:

'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein

Götz von Berlichingen

Zitat von: Antonio Bonomi am 17 Juni 2012, 15:27:50
does anybody know what this structure was used for on Prinz Eugen midship at deck level ?

It was located between the crane and the midship 105 mm A/A gun.

Is it possible that it has something to do with the torpedo armament?

Paul Schmalenbach writes in his book Schwerer Kreuzer »Prinz Eugen« [Heyne, München 1982, S. 94]:

»[...] ein Torpedoauswanderungsmesser (TAM) mittschiffs zur Messung der seitlichen Abwanderung des Zieles von einer im Raum festgehaltenen Geraden als Maß für die Lage des Zieles zum Zielstrahl und die Zielgeschwindigkeit«


Antonio Bonomi

Hello everybody,


this is very interesting indeed !!!!!

I will try to find more infos about it but if it is true that it is the  "  Torpedoauswanderungsmesser (TAM) " than we have an additional confirmation that we are looking at the starboard side of the Prinz Eugen of course since theer is Bismarck visible.

In fact, exactly on the same moment during the battle of the Denmark Strait there was activity going on about the launching of the torpedo on the port side ordered by Kpt zur See H. Brinkmann to KptLtnt ( Torpedo Officer ) Sigurd Reimann since the very early stage of the battle.

This only means that if that equipment is in fact the TAM, the one on port side was surely manned by Ltnt Reimann and his team on that moment, and this is probably the reason why the PK guys to take photos and film of the British ships on port side, ... positioned themselves more toward the crane as photo evidences clearly show.

You can read Ltnt S. Reimann describing what he was doing here :

I am assuming now that the TAM is what he calls TZA on his report ....

  Bye / Gruss  Antonio  :MG:   
'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein


Hallo Antonio Bonomi und Götz von Berlichingen:

um was für ein Ding es sich auf Antonio Bonomis Fotos handelt, weiss ich auch nicht. Auf dem Plan der "Prinz Eugen", im Massstab
1 : 200, der dem Schmalenbach-Buch beigefügt ist, ist an den in Frage stehenden Stellen nichts eingezeichnet.
Aber sicher bin ich mir, dass es sich weder um einen TZA (Torpedozielapparat) noch um einen TAM (Torpedoauswanderungsmesser)
handeln kann. Beides waren Geräte mit Optiken. Dies fehlt bei dem in Frage stehenden Objekt. Das Objekt steht zudem an Oberdeck,
TZA und TAM gehören jedoch zur Feuerleitung, sind also nahe bei Brücke, Kommandostand, Nachtleitstand. Und der Ausdruck
"mittschiffs" bei Schmalenbach bezieht sich auf den vorderen gepanzerten Kommandostand, dort drin war mittschiffs der TAM.

Me too, I don't know what kind of device can be seen on Antonio Bonomi's photos. A view at the drawings of "Prinz Eugen" in the
1 : 200 scale, added to the Schmalenbach-book, shows no items at the positions in question.
But I'm rather sure that this device is neither a TZA (= torpedo aiming device) nor a TAM (= torpedo aberration measurement
device). Both were apparatuses with optics. These are lacking at the device in question. Besides, this object is situated at
the upper deck, but TZA and TAM belong to the fire control systems, usually situated near the bridge, conning tower, night-time
fire contol position. And the expression "amidships" of Schmalenbach refers to the armoured forward conning tower, inside of
which the TAM was situated amidships.

     Grüsse / regards


Antonio Bonomi

Hello everybody,

@ RePe,

I agree with you, I checked on several books and what you stated is correct about those equipment being on the command bridge.

Still remain this " misterious " cabinet ... what is it ??

          Bye / Antonio  :MG: 
'' ... Ich habe keine besondere begabung, sondern bin leidenschaftlich neugierig ''.    A. Einstein


Hallo allerseits,

habe diesen älteren Thread über die Google-Suche gefunden. Bin bzgl des Einschießens etwas im Unklaren. Eröffnet wurde (zumindest im IslandGefecht) immer mit ein bis zwei Vollsalven - wohl um die Rohre auf Temperatur zu bringen (zu strecken). Wie fallen deren Einschläge? Rot - also diagonal/quer zum Ziel was geringfügige Unterschiede in den einzelnen Rohrerhöhungen voraussetzt, oder blau - parallel zum Ziel so wie es die Batterie mit gleichen Rohrerhöhungen vorgibt?

Dementsprechend das weitere Einschießen mit Gabelgruppen: wenn rot würde die Standsalve evtl einen Treffer am Ziel generieren - der Rest davon bb u stb gestaffelt. Oder blau - die Standsalve liegt mit allen vieren parallel im Ziel bzw mit seitlicher Ablage zT davor/dahinter.

Könnt ihr mir das irgendwie erklären bzw grafisch darstellen?

Viele Grüße Frank


Zitat von: Antonio Bonomi am 23 Juni 2012, 09:26:09Hello everybody,

@ RePe,

I agree with you, I checked on several books and what you stated is correct about those equipment being on the command bridge.

Still remain this " misterious " cabinet ... what is it ??

          Bye / Antonio  :MG: 

Das ist ein Bootslager

Schönen Gruß von der Ostsee


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