
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 3 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


The last part of the S 113 Schnebel album.

1. I think this is S 97 with Kalotte. They have then given S 95 to S-BootSchulFtl. It is in Kiel, the Wohnschiff SMS Berlin is still in the background. The boat is a very early Kalotte boat without wind shield. The typ S 38 next to her is a late. Schlichting with the S-BootSchulFtl mast. Could be one of the Spanish boats.

2. Schnellboots-landanlage in Kiel. The crew is in the baracks this time and not on SMS Berlin as in the begining of the album.

3. Party with a Scandinavian cap, note both New York and Berlin, the two S-Boote and probebly an R-Boot in the background.

4. The 1 SFtl Wappen

After this comes only the canal trip that I think is the first transfer of two boats to Spain. Already posted here:,18105.990.html

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kann jemand evtl. Al Ross hier weiterhelfen? Habe zwar etwas Werbung für HMA-Sboote gemacht, habe aber nichts mehr zum Thema:


ZitatTM51 was a 70' BPB boat built for the RNN. Two sisters were under construction in Holland under license, but were captured by the Germans. They, in turn, completed the two and placed them in service as S201 and S202. TM51 escaped to Britain, eventually becoming MGB46. The turret weapons are single 20mm Hispanos.[...]

Thank you, Darius, for the references. I have two somewhat indistinct photos of S 201 and two of VANTUL. Can you suggest any other sources (hopefully with photos) of these boats?



Urs Heßling

moin, Martin,

hast Du ihm diese Links S 201, S 202 zugesandt ?

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


I think this is the best photos of S 201 and S 202 in Bulgaria.  page 10-13

The boats with the Kriegsmarine. Where?

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Urs Heßling

moin, Alo,
tolle Bilder top danke fürs verlinken :MG:

Zitat von: alo41 am 02 Januar 2021, 09:28:50
The boats with the Kriegsmarine. Where?
wahrscheinlich Kiel

eben in einem anderen Forum entdeckt: das scheinen Bilder eines der Boote auf dem Transport zum Schwarzen Meer in Ingolstadt zu sein

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Moin Urs, Moin Alo,

Darf ich mal dazu fragen was auf dem rechten Boot an der Stelle der Torpedorohre installiert? EIn Catwalk?




I dont know but I assume it is the stand (or possibly a gig to make the stand) for the torpedo tube (original dutch one?). The depth charge rack looks like Kriegsmarine on the right boat but something else on the left one. Is it possible to separte S 201/S 202?

There are some more info on the Förderverein Schnellboote site:

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Zitat von: Urs Heßling am 02 Januar 2021, 00:07:32
hast Du ihm diese Links S 201, S 202 zugesandt ?

Hallo Urs,

ja, diese Info hat seine Nachfrage provoziert.




Zitat von: alo41 am 02 Januar 2021, 14:32:41
Is it possible to separte S 201/S 202?

Ja, könnt ihr gerne machen.




Gusto drawings :



Great drawing Arjan, thanks.

I have two photos I think are from the next S 201. There are other photos in the serie of S 110 and other 4 SFtl boats.


"Unser Kommen
mit Brille"???


"Im K.W. Kanal
mit den Käppen
seiner Frau"???

Can anyone read the text.

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ich lese da
Foto1: Unser Kommandant mit Brille
Foto2: Im KW Kanal mit dem Käppen (Käpptn) seiner Frau

Grüße Joern


Zitat von: joern am 03 Januar 2021, 18:45:24
Foto2: Im KW Kanal mit dem Käppen (Käpptn) seiner Frau

Should I read it as: In K.W. canal with his wifes caps (or hats?)?  Or is it "..his wifes protectors"?


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Hi Alo, I recognize this batch of ebay photos, I also downloaded them years ago  :O/Y. I already wondered where you had found that S-201/S-202 pic that was part of this batch. I think this one (also from the batch) was taken at the entrance to the port of Le Havre :




Yes, it is from the same batch.

The photo shows the entrance to Boulogne sur mer and I think it is S 110.

There were more photos with text. I think I understand the general meaning, but can anyone get the correct reding?
My best try:

Die friechör soll meine
lib. Mutter ausbew...

    im Kanalen
nach dem Westen

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