
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

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Zitat von: alo41 am 18 Dezember 2020, 09:32:01


S 42, S 44, S 45 and S 46 all got the Bofors in the overhaul July-Aug. 1942.
S 47 is assumed to have gotten the Kalotte 26 July-16 Sep 1943.


Much obliged, this is interesting because there is a photo of S-47 with its new Kalotte and the round radar detection antenna. I had wondered if the combination of a Bofors gun and round antenna was possible (option offered for the Italeri S-38 model).




Hi Arjan

There are not many  typ S 38 boats  with Bofors guns  to begin  with. I found three  typ S 38 boats with the round DF antena and Bofors gun.

S 118, Photos on page 61 topp  left and 66 topp left  in the new Schnellboot in action book.
Two boats in the Black sea. Page 115 bottom in S-boote, JPDL

Antworte im deutsch, bitte


Vielen dank für deine Mühe, das hilft mir weiter ! By the way, I have the German version of JPDL's book and the photo you mention is on page 117 here. I had never closely examined this pic before  :O/Y.



Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 20 Dezember 2020, 12:56:24
There are not many  typ S 38 boats  with Bofors guns  to begin  with.
Harald Fock nennt mit Stichtag 24.9.1943 folgende Boote mit 4 cm Bofors:
S 29 (Fehler, + 29.3.43), S 39, S 42, S 44 (Fehler, + 25.7.43), S 45-46, S 81-83, S 98-99, S 117
Nach meinen Unterlagen sind hinzuzufügen:
S 93 (Einbau 4 cm 11.8.- 15.9.43), S 129 (i.D. 24.9.43 :-D ) und S 133 (i.D. 31.12.1943)

Die Boote mit 4 cm-Bofors blieben eher "Einzelkämpfer", bis der Chef der 8. S-Fltl, KKpt Zymalkowski, sie ab Februar 1944 in einer Gruppe (S 93, S 99, S 117, S 129, S 133) als "Kanonenboote" auch taktisch geschlossen einsetzte.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



First of all,  Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone ! Two questions, I wonder if there are any color photos of the S-Boote at the Black Sea or are there any documents referring to the green color of the upper deck mentioned by Mr David Krakow here :

I think Mr Krakow is one of the most knowledgeable authorities on S-Boote so I don't question the validity of his statements.

My second question is about the 5 pe parts (3 pe) in Italeri's building instructions. Are these skylights ?




There are a few color phots of the deck.

1. 8 SFtl 1942 in Norway, S 42, S 44, S 45 and S 46.
2. two photos, SchnellbootschulFtl in Swinemünde 1944. Note black torpedo tubes and "green" deck and front skylight.

Both looks quite green to me.

I think it is skylights, as you say. I think they were there on early typ S 38 and typ S 18 boats.

3. Skylight on S 27 in 1940. You can see it better in E-boats and costal crafts bok.
4. Skylight under his foot on S 29 1941 Finland

Antworte im deutsch, bitte


Thanks for your response ! To me the deck color in the first two pics looks more like grey than green. At any rate it's a far cry from "pea green". The quality of the third pic is too bad to make any meaningful color judgements. I think pea green or dark green would show as very dark in black and white pics. Compare the greens here :

The red stripes on the fore deck can be clearly seen here but the rest of the deck appears to be very light in colour. Always difficult to judge because the bright sunlight would make the deck seem lighter :

Thanks for the pics of the skylights !




The color green FS34258 turns out to be a very light color indeed (much lighter than the green in the Schnellboot in Action illustration):



Hi Arjan,

David Krakow has down-played the green in the new Schnellboot in action book.
The color illustrations now shows a typ S 151 with striped front and grey deck. He also writes that the deck color is "either grey or possibly an olive green" on S 102 , page 70 (page 53 the old in action book).
Are you planning to have the Black sea yellow cross on the gun hatch?

Antworte im deutsch, bitte


Thanks again. I should have bought the latest version of the Schnellboot in Action booklet  :O/Y. I didn't know about the cross you mentioned but I can see it now in the pic at the TOP of page 117 of my JPDL version. Nice observation ! Of course I will now have to include this yellow cross  :-).

This pic from the Kpt.z.S. Künzel Nachlass seems to show there were 7 red stripes :



Manfred Heinken

Moin zusammen,
diesen Zeitungsartikel habe ich noch in meiner Sammlung gefunden
Vielleicht passt der Artikel ja zum Schnellbootgeschehen.
Alles lange her.

Beste Grüße
Manfred Heinken

Urs Heßling


das war S 1 des BGS, die spätere Eismöwe

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"

Manfred Heinken

Moin Urs
besten Dank für die Auskunft.
Noch einen schönen Restfeiertag.

Manfred Heinken

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