Marder oder Neger in Dresden ?

Begonnen von Rheinmetall, 16 Dezember 2016, 13:22:57

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Zitat von: hoch-am-windWas is an diesem Marder noch im Originalzustand? Die Plexiglaskuppel sieht mir verdächtig neu aus...
I think there's probably is no original plexi-glasses anywhere.

As with the "Neger" / "Marder I" at Speyer, the "Marder" / "Marder II" in Aalborg is also a contraption of different parts:
* Probably an original cockpit (exept the cupola) and main body/battery chamber
* The aft-section is from a G7a(TI) though, with a very strange tailsection (looks like a post-war tail from a T1T and a fabricated rudder?).

Also, the torpedo underneath is "wrong: It's a danish "T1T" torpedo, and they have even mounted it upside down(!).

The "T1T" is the ex-german G7a(TI) which were modified in the 1960's with wire guidance. It was a collaboration with the norwegian navy - we ended up with a very similar modification, and we called the result "T1 mod 1" (the G7a(TI) was redesignated "T1" when taken into service in the norwegian navy after the war). We used the "T1 mod 1" until 1999.


Hi Natter,

thanks for all the details... this begs the question if there are any originals on display somewhere...

Best regards,


Zitat von: hoch-am-windthanks for all the details... this begs the question if there are any originals on display somewhere...
As far as I know, there are no surviving "Neger" / "Marder I", but there are several original "Marder" / "Marder II".
For instance, we have three in Norway that is complete and original, with exeption of the plexiglass cupola (I know for sure that the two cupolas on the vehicles at Haakonsvern naval base in Bergen is replicas made post-war, but I'm not sure about the cupola at the vehcle at the naval museum in Horten and the cockpit at the war-museum in Narvik).


Hi Natter,

Thanks - good to hear that some survived in their original state. I made note of this, should I come to Bergen, Horten, or Narvik, I will make it a point to see one of the Marders... tough luck for me that there is non in Oslo, I plan to go here next year. 

Best regards,



im HMA
sind z.zT 10 Marder
erfasst, davon 4 in Norwegen. Dank an @Natter für die Unterstützung  :MG:

Ich hatte gehofft, das der Marder in Dresden eine "Originalkuppel" hat, weil auch die Kuppel, trotz Schäden in der Ausstellung augestellt wird,
aber die Aussage von @K.d.K
ZitatEs handelte angeblich um das Mittelrohr und der Fahrersitz eines Marder II. Das Hinterteil mit E-Motor und Schraube, sowie der G7e Übungstorpedo wurde durch die Bundes marine angebracht.
lässt daran zweifeln.

Welche Funktion hat der vordere "Aufsatz" auf der Kuppel, wie er in Dresden zu sehen ist, eine "Sehhilfe"?

,,Wer sich nicht an die Vergangenheit erinnern kann, ist dazu verdammt, sie zu wiederholen." George Santayana


Zitat von: hoch-am-windThanks - good to hear that some survived in their original state. I made note of this, should I come to Bergen, Horten, or Narvik, I will make it a point to see one of the Marders...
Note that the two Marder II on display in Bergen are located inside the naval base, so it's not accessible for tourists. I'm attaching two photos (not so good, and sorry for the censorship - I was only allowed close-up photos to make measurements for a 3D-model).

The Marder II at the naval museum in Horten is kept in the magasine, which is not open to the regular visits. You will need to ask for access, and if you go there on a saturday/sunday you might not be able to see it as none of the regular staff normally is at work then, only volunteer staff without keys etc.

The Marder II in Narvik is not complete - just the cockpit (I hope it survived the moving to the new museum - they have tossed out a lot of uniqe objects :-( ). In fact, as I look at the photos now, I suspect that the cupola in Narvik might be original (you can see the difference from the cupolas in Bergen).


Zitat von: bettika61Ich hatte gehofft, das der Marder in Dresden eine "Originalkuppel" hat, weil auch die Kuppel, trotz Schäden in der Ausstellung augestellt wird,
It doesn't look original compared to WW2 footage.

Zitat von: bettika61Welche Funktion hat der vordere "Aufsatz" auf der Kuppel, wie er in Dresden zu sehen ist, eine "Sehhilfe"?
Perhaps a post-war addition in relation to testing?  The Marder II did have a sort of optics attached though - probably a simple periscope, as it was able to dive.


Nach Aussage von Ehemaligen ist es ein Kompas. Nur bei der Marder II aufgebaut. Mir ist nicht bekannt ob irgend wo noch einer erhalten ist.
Es gibt nicht viel gute Bilder von der Kupel der Marder II.
Bilder aus der Zeit mit Kupel sind fast nur Marder I, weil die in der Propaganda vielfach ausgenützt wurden.
Der Kupel von Dresden (ex Eckernförde) is meiner Meinung nach Original. Das letzte Bild ist genommen in Eckernförde in der Waffenschule in 1999.


Hier noch einer, Albert Labeda in Amerika aus der Sneak Craft Film.


Der Kupel in Horten ist ein Nachfertigung. ich war dort ein paar Jaar zurück.

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