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Begonnen von Tiornu, 01 März 2011, 21:29:57

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Nach Kämpfen mögen den Kampf von Jütland, welche Lektionen deutsche Entwerfer erlernten?

Peter K.

In this case it´s perhaps better to write in English, because the automatic German translation is simply horrable - it´s very hard to understand the meaning of this sentence, at least for me as an Austrian!  :wink:
Grüße aus Österreich
Peter K.


Rats! I tried to make the translation better on my own, but maybe I made it worse!
What I'd like to know is this: what lessons did German designers learn after the Battle of Jutland and other battles?



MDV 352 Heft 01 Die Entwicklung der Operationen in der Nordsee bis zur Schlacht vor dem Skagerrak
MDV 352 Heft 02 Die Unternehmung der deutschen Hochseeflotte am 19.August 1916
MDV 352 Heft 03 Das internationale Seekriegsrecht und die deutsche Überseeversorgung im Weltkriege
MDV 352 Heft 04 Lehren der Taktik und Waffenverwendung in der Schlacht vor dem Skagerrak
MDV 352 Heft 05 Geschwindigkeit
MDV 352 Heft 06 Sperrangriffe (Mineattacks)
MDV 352 Heft 07 Die Luftschiffe im Dienste der Marine 1912-1918
MDV 352 Heft 08 Die kriegsmäßige Herrichtung eines Unterseebootsstützpunktes
MDV 352 Heft 09 Der Organismus der Kaiserlichen Marine und der Weltkrieg
MDV 352 Heft 10 Der Artillerieoffizier eines Großkampfschiffes im Kriege 1914-1918
MDV 352 Heft 11 Die Verwendung der Torpedowaffe Doggerbank und Skagerrak
MDV 352 Heft 12 Kriegserfahrungen über Versalzungen von Kriegsschiffmaschinenanlagen
MDV 352 Heft 13 Der Einfluss der Funkaufklärung auf die Seekriegsführung in der Nordsee 1914 - 1918
MDV 352 Heft 14 Mine und Seestrategie
MDV 352 Heft 15 Der Kampf der Marine gegen Versailles 1919-1935
Meine Herren, es kann ein siebenjähriger, es kann ein dreißigjähriger Krieg werden – und wehe dem, der zuerst die Lunte in das Pulverfaß schleudert!
WoWs : [FMA]Captain_Hook_


Zitat von: Tiornu am 01 März 2011, 21:29:57
Nach Kämpfen mögen den Kampf von Jütland, welche Lektionen deutsche Entwerfer erlernten?
Ich dachte hätte meinen schlechtes Deutsch vergessen... 8-) 8-)
Tu regere Imperio fluctus Hispane memento ...


I think it was the Royal Navy who learned a lesson, a bitter lesson, after the Battle of Jutland. As easy as that german battlecruisers were better designed than the british. And also that a battlecruiser had nothing to do against a battleship...
Anyway, is was a strategic victory of the british...
Tu regere Imperio fluctus Hispane memento ...

Leutnant Werner

One lesson of the battle of the Doggerbank was to increase the internal protection of the turrets, after SMS SEYDLITZ and BLÜCHER became victims to turret hits, which nearly caused these ships to blow up. Another lesson was to increase the elevation of the main guns from 13.5 to 16 degrees in order to increase the range from something more than 160 hm to about 204 hm.
After the loss of SMS LÜTZOW at the battle of Jutland I think I remember, that with German capital ships the torpedo bulkheads in the bow section were strengthened and submerged torpedo tubes removed.


Several lessons were to be learned:

  • most notably, altough triggered by experienced from Doggerbank and the program was launched earlier, the elevation of the main guns and secondary guns was increased and in some cases alterations to the ballistic cap and shape of the projectile were made to increase effective range. Several ships which went into lengthy repairs returned from them with this refit. In 1917, the range advantage the RN possessed over the HSF was largely gone

  • accordingly, new and longer baselength rangefinders (5m and 8m devices) for the GCT replaced the old 3m devices and firecontroll gears were completed (Petravic gyro-controlled Abfeuerungs- und Mittlungsgerät). Only LÜTZOW carried a Petravic gyro device into Jutland but this became standart afterwards in HSF ships. This allowed longer range distances to be accurately measured and longer distance predictions of the target´s position to be conducted

  • A heavy tripod system was adopted for a stable GCT element with multiple secondary gunnery controll spots for the 5.91in QF. In some ships a heavy tubular CT with splinterproof armour was introduced. RF was centralised and integrated.

  • The anti-torpedonets and all 8.8cm QF low angle guns, including associated equipment were removed and were -in part- replaced by four 8.8cm/45 BAK AAA. The Flakpredictor C/18 was refitted during 1918 which was able to delover accurate predictions for aerial targets flying straigth and level

  • Pumping and firefighting equipment was increased, watertight subdivision was improved and sources of leakages carefully investigated

  • The most important lesson to be learned from Jutland was a tactical. The HSF was then seperated into fewer divisions of same speed and formed what other authors called "Proto-Task-Forces". this was already tried before Jutland and of instrumental use during operation ALBION in 1917. This marked a depart from previous Ship-of-the-line-tactics employed by both powers.


Hallo delcyros,

der letzte Punkt ist mir so gar nicht bekannt/bewußt gewesen. Gibts dazu nähere Ausführungen zu lesen. Ich sag aber gleich dazu, dass ich nicht die Möglichkeit habe, mir die MDVs zu besorgen.




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