
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 3 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.


Hi Urs,

Yes, I agree with you.

I found some more on a Russian site regarding the sinking of Gaisma. I have added a translation below. Link:

It looks like the captain (N. Duve) was an important person and his grave was very well maintaned by the Sovjet forces.

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More on Gaisma.

A link with references regarding the six dead from MG fire.  Link:
Do anyone know about these books?

A page with some more details. Link:
  It says that they were sending radio signals while they were abandening the ship. I suspect that the Schnellboote were shoting at the bridge to stop it. The photo might show the crew and the captian N. Duve.

There is also a sign at N. Duve's first grave by the lighhouse at Uzava.

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Zitat von: alo41 am 21 Januar 2014, 20:58:43

The four Schnellboote were shown the way to the trawler Shuka (Suka, Wyka, SShuka... ?)by a Luftwaffe pilot after Gaisma had went down.

I now understand the confusion regarding the trawler sunk by S 31. The Russian name was "Щука" with the number PT-24. I think that only the number was painted on the boat. The S 31 crew then saw "Щука" in the ship papers and reported WYKA. I think the correct translation should be "RT-24 Shchuka"


She was built in England 1916.  Link:

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The next action for 3 S-Ftl is the sinking of the Russian submarine S-3 (C-3 in Russian) on 03:39, 24 June 1941 by S 60 and S 35. There are some sources saying it was on the 23 June. I think they are wrong. I still wonder if there was not any action on the night between the 22 and 23 of June?

There is not any photos from this sinking. PK Reymann describes the action and has a drawing of it in his book. The details are not correct for a type S-1 submarine. I do not think that Reymann was on S 60 or S 35 at the time. He has probebly based his story on the reports.

The crew from the sister boat S-1 was on S-3 when she sunk. There are many photos showing S-1 in the harbour of Libau. (Link: ) has some (Russian?) information that survivors also here were machineguned in the water.
This is not confirmed by this eye witness and they also picked up 19 survivors.

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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 25 Januar 2014, 13:09:45
The next action for 3 S-Ftl is the sinking of the Russian submarine S-3 (C-3 in Russian) on 03:39, 24 June 1941 by S 60 and S 35.
Schon einmal gesagt:
S-3 wurde von S 60 (OLtzS Wuppermann) und S 35 (OLtzS Weber) im Überwasser-Nahgefecht durch Rohrwaffenbeschuß (die Boote hatten damals meines Wissens nur eine 20 mm-Maschinenwaffe), Handgranaten und - schließlich - Wasserbomben versenkt.
Dazu gibt es im KTB der Flottille die Anmerkung des Oberbefehlshabers der Kriegsmarine, Großadmiral Raeder (korrekt in "Grünstift" , Original im BAMA) "Hervorragende Tat! Möchte die Kdt gelegentlich sehen."

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Next action is on the night 26-27 June. They got one night of sleep 25-26 June.

Group 1 (S 61, S 55, S 34, S 45, S 54) hit a steamer (~2000 BRT) with one torpedo outside Windau harbour.
The name of the steamer is said to be "Lidaza". I have not been ablel to find any trace of this ship (outside Schnellboote books). I do not think that this ship have ever existed. Do anyone know more?

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Urs Heßling

hi, Alo,

Zitat von: alo41 am 26 Januar 2014, 00:59:20
Group 1 (S 61, S 55, S 34, S 45, S 54) 
S 35 (Weber) ? .. S 45 (Babbel) gehörte zur 2. SFltl

Zitat von: alo41 am 26 Januar 2014, 00:59:20
The name of the steamer is said to be "Lidaza". Do anyone know more?
nach : ein spanisches (!) Schiff  :?

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Hi Urs,

Yes, S 45 belonged to the 2 S-Ftl but were asigned to the 3 S-Ftl while she was on her way to Finland. (Kemnad, Die afrika Flottille, page 97). The 3 S-Ftl had a lot of bearing problems on the boats and S 45 then had to fill in for the damaged S 57.

The "Spainsh" must be an misinterpretation of the "es" (Estonia, not Espania) in the Erfolg list. Link:
Hümmelchen has a reference for "Lidaza": Glavyn Stab, Voenno-Morskogo Flota, page 259 (No BRT given)
It sounds a bit weak as well.

I have added the last PK Reymann photos that I know of. Is it Kptlt. Kemnade as Flottille commander? The other officers names? What boat was the Bordhunde on?

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Urs Heßling

Zitat von: alo41 am 26 Januar 2014, 16:52:30
Yes, S 45 belonged to the 2 S-Ftl but were asigned to the 3 S-Ftl while she was on her way to Finland. (Kemnad, Die afrika Flottille, page 97). The 3 S-Ftl had a lot of bearing problems on the boats and S 45 then had to fill in for the damaged S 57.
Danke  :MG:

Zitat von: alo41 am 26 Januar 2014, 16:52:30
The "Spainsh" must be an misinterpretation of the "es" (Estonia, not Espania) in the Erfolg list.
Ja, das klingt wahrscheinlich.

Zitat von: alo41 am 26 Januar 2014, 16:52:30
The other officers names?
Bei Herrn "686" tippe ich auf Siegfried Wuppermann.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Mal was OT.Ich Interessiere mich auch für Schnellboote.kann aber nicht gut englisch,nun habe ich in der Benutzer Info von Alo 41 gelesen Sprache German warum dann alles in Englisch? Gruß Ernie



Ich habe an anfangh diese "thread" versucht alles in Deutsch zu schreiben. Es ist für mir zu schwer, deshalp Englisch. Schule war 30 Jahre vorhere. Link:,18105.0.html

Alle antworten im Deutch bitte. Ich kan es lesen.

Grüss aus Schweden
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Next 3 S-Ftl action was already on the next night (26-27 June). The Flottille was as usual devided in two groups and it was as usual Wuppermann's 2ed group that saw the action. It is all well described in "Die Afrika Flottille" page 101... with Wuppermann's report. It can now be combined with the Russian information to make a correct picture. Link (see 7.2.23, .14, .22 and .33):

2ed Group (S 60, S 35, S 59, S 31) encountered a ship that looked like a torpedoboat and S 59 and S 31 fired 4 torpedos at it without a hit. It was actualy the type 3 minesweeper T-204 Fugas.
They did then ran into the destroyers Stojkij, Serdityj, Storozevoj and Engels (see link above).

S 60 and S 35 shot 4 torpedos and probebly hit Storozevoj and tore the front part off, killing the commander and 84 of the crew. (They reported a hit on a torpedo boat)
S 59 and S 31 fired 4 torpedos on Engels and probebly thought that the returen artillery fire was a hit.

S 60 and S 35 then made another attack and fired 4 torpedos on Stojkij without a hit. One torpedo passed 1 m from the ship that had to make an emergency turne. This was probebly the reason why this was as a hit.

The four boats got into a fight with the russian motortorpedoboats TKA 17 and TKA 47 on the way back. TKA 47 was later abandaned by its crew. The boat was then found drifting by the Germans and taken to Libau. There she was photographed by the new PK Hirche. Our old friend PK Reymann was probebly on S 59 on this trip but did not take photos any more.

The Russian and German reports needs to be compared to be able to find out what realy happened.

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Hallo zusammen,

wollte eben in meinen alten Ordnern blättern und fand diese Seite.

Auch schon gut zu lesen wie ich meine.


...ärgere dich nicht über deine Fehler und Schwächen, ohne sie wärst du zwar vollkommen, aber kein Mensch mehr !



Yes, it is a very nice document. I supose that it was sent from the 1 S-Bootflottille to the HQ?
The same action is described in Hümmelchen (page 53) on only 5 rows! There it is said that Minesweeper No. 41 (140 t) and the tug Lenvodpud 12 were sunk. I have not tryed to find it in Russian sources yet.

There is a lot more in PK Möbius propaganda book "Schnellboote" (page 115-128, 1943 edition, 112-127 in 1961 edition)
There is a drawing in the 1943 book and it is described how the prisoners were beded in between the WABOs. One of the wounded had a bandage around his head and he died later. The prisoners then had to wait sitting on a wood trunk. This description makes it possible to find more photos from this action. PK Schwartz was with the 1 S-Ftl.

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