
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

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Kleine Anmerkung-aber wahrscheinlich nicht so wichtig. Ich bin mir im Unklaren, ob einige Angaben zu den sowjetischen MTBs stimmen. Nach russischen Angaben wurde ТКА № 47 (ein G 5-Boot) am 26.06.1941 von deutschen Schnellbooten erbeutet und später an Finnland abgegeben (finn. Viima). Eine Bezeichnung DT kannte ich bisher nicht. ТКА № 71 (auch ein G 5-Boot) gehörte allerdings zur Schwarzmeerflotte. Leider sind gegenwärtig bestimmte Recherchemöglichkeiten im russ. Internet eingeschränkt bzw. sind einige Seiten nicht mehr erreichbar.

Urs Heßling


ich kenne nur die schon angehängte Seite aus dem KTB der 3. S-Fltl mit der Bezeichnung "DT 71". Woher diese Erkenntnis stammt (Aussagen Geretteter ?) weiß ich nicht.

Die Umwandlung in "TK 71" von Hümmelchen und Rohwer habe ich - als vermutlich zutreffend - dann ohne weitere Prüfung für die HMA-Dateien übernommen.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



I have read the KB Reymanns book "Schatten voraus! "Sophie Toni" regarding Lacplesis etc. (attached)

It feels like Reymann was really there and that he writes what he has seen (not common with KB stories). It also more or less follows what the KTB says. Nothing specific over the flags.

I think Reymann was on S 54, the first boat to attack Lacplesis. I also think the "D T 71" must have been a G-5 MTB and that it was TK 71.

TK 71 was not sunk and is later taking part in a battle at Someri where she was lost on 8 July 1942 (web).

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Ich muss mich korrigieren. Das Schwarzmeer- TKA bekam die Nummer 71 erst am 13.11.40, vorher Nr. 131. Das Ostseeboot war ab 25.05.40 TKA 71, vorher 123.



Going back to S 29.
S 29 left with 1 SFtl  Swinemünde and was in Neufahrwasser 11-17 June.

The two photos could be from Neufahrwasser. S 29 does not have mine rails (WABOS instead) and the cover over the torpedo tube is still there.
I think S 29 got the mines first in Gotenhafen on 17 June.

Note the wine/champagne box and female company. Celebrating the formation of 5 SFtl on 17 June or a gift from a mother?

Can anyone confirm Neufahrwasser? (I also thinks it looks a lot like Riga....)
Is it possible to say anything about the ship in the background?


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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 01 April 2022, 13:24:22
I think S 29 got the mines first in Gotenhafen on 17 June.
18. Juni

Zitat von: alo41 am 01 April 2022, 13:24:22
Is it possible to say anything about the ship in the background?
Ein Begleitschiff
Da Carl Peters und Adolf Lüderitz wohl nicht in Frage kommen ... ein "Wilhelm Bauer" ?

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Thanks Urs,

Yes, it must be one of Begleitschiffe Waldemar Kophamel or Wilhelm Bauer. I can not tell the diffrence.

My understanding is that all the Ubootbegleitschiffe were taken to Norway before Barbarossa begun on 22 June. Do anyone have dates?

Neufahrwasser 11-17 June 1941 fits well with this. (it can then not be Riga)

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ich habe noch Fotos gefunden, auf denen Besatzungsangehörige zu sehen sind. Vermutlich gehören sie zu S 29. Leider nicht beschriftet.
Grüße Joern



Yes they are from the S 29 crew.
I did also find where S 29 was in Neufahrwasser. It is on the Westerplatte side.

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The next S 29 photos are from Libau 13-17 July with Adolf Lüderiz and TKA-47. They are in the Free port. There are 5 Sboote with AL and they are probably photographed from S 29. The other boat numbers and date?

TKA-47 was abandoned after a fight with S 60, S 35, S 59 and S 31 on 27 June and was brought in to Libau by a Rboot. (on 29 June?)

The Sboot to the right on the AL 3 is S 29.

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Siehe TKA-47 auch hier
und am 28.06.1941 in Libau

Urs Heßling

Zitat von: alo41 am 03 April 2022, 09:21:29
There are 5 Sboote with AL and they are probably photographed from S 29. The other boat numbers and date?
Information im HMA :
17.07.1941   Verlegen 3. S-Fltl (S 55, S 59, S 61, S 29, S 45) von Libau nach Windau

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



Thanks every one,

The links and the documents posted by Urs and Thorsten gave a lot of answers.

The TK-47 was found by the 5 MSFtl on 4 July and was towed by M 201 to Libau Free port. Schnellbootbegleitschiff Adolf Lüderitz and 3 SFtl arrived  there on the same day.

Photo AL 1 in my last post:
There is only two days that there were 6 Schnellboote in Libau. 6 July and maybe 12 July depending on when S 59 arrived. S 29 was not there then. The photo is then not taken from S 29 but from the small pier. The boats with AL are then probably as Urs said S 29, S 45, S 55, S 59 and S 61.

In Urs document they say TK-47 is a Fla-Schnellboot. What does that mean? Flachschnellboot?


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Some more Libau photos.

1. Naval Cathedral north of Libau at the military port. It is still there.
2. It looks like the photo with the two trolleys could have been taken in the Free port, Libau. What is the arm band on the AL man?
3. A bus (Opel Blitz Omnibuss?) trip in sports wear. They have stopped to look at some abandoned soviet artillery. Libau?

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