
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

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Hi Urs,

I have corrected the list. Kemnad writes (page 138) that S 33 joined the 3 S-Ftl after having been lent to the 2 S-Ftl in Sep. 1941. I do not think that she was ever painted in the Baltic camouflage or got the Snake marking? The boats with the 6 S-Ftl were keept white. See photo of one with Tanga in Helsingör (File name Sönderborg is wrong).

There are many places that says that S 58 had the Dolpine marking. Do anyone know where this information comes from?


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Urs Heßling

hi, Alo,

Zitat von: alo41 am 14 Februar 2014, 22:14:40
Kemnad writes (page 138) that S 33 joined the 3 S-Ftl after having been lent to the 2 S-Ftl in Sep. 1941.

S 33 (Howaldt) gehörte bis April 1941 zur 2. SFltl und wurde am 6.4.41 an 6. SFltl übergeben
LtzS Bosse war Kommandant des Bootes in der 6. SFltl von 6.4.41 bis 1.8.41
Am 1.8.41 wurde das Boot an die 3. SFltl übergeben, Kommandant (kurz) OLtzS Lüders am und nach dem 15.8.41.  Am 15.9.41 wurde das Boot als unbesetzt gemeldet.
Am oder vor dem 1.10.41 übernahm OLtzS Stolzenburg das Boot und führte es bis 28.2.42

Ich habe keinen Nachweis, daß das Boot zwischenzeitlich noch einmal zur 2. SFltl gehörte.

Zitat von: alo41 am 14 Februar 2014, 22:14:40
I do not think that she was ever painted in the Baltic camouflage or got the Snake marking?
Das sehe ich auch so.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



I think that S 33 was only lent to the 2 S-Ftl (in Windau?) and was never fully transfered. Kemnad writes that S 33 did the first mission with the 3 S-Ftl on the 22 Sep. together with S 54. S 33 then left for Swinemünde on the 25 Sep.

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Urs Heßling

moin, Alo,

Ich komme nicht darum herum, daß alles im BA/MA in den Flottillen-KTB nachzusehen.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



There is a 3 S-Ftl album for sale on The seller is also offering a Soldbuch.
They can be from S 59. There is a signature from Albert Müller and a photo.

Soldbuch: Militaria 321  (Soldbuch, Schnellboot)

There is on photo that I think shows MRS 11?

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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 23 Februar 2014, 16:34:58
There is on photo that I think shows MRS 11?
zumindest höchstwahrscheinlich: Ostsee 1941

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



I did some more on my tabel. I assumed that S 59 is Sea star as was suggested in another thread.

There is then a photo in Hümmelchen (page ~208) that shows Crocodile, Shark ant two more boats. The text says it is in Gaeta. That is wrong , it is in Formia. I think it is the seconde group (S 54, S 56, S 57, S 58 and S 59) in ~Feb 1942 (snow on the mountins). One of S 56 and S 57 is then Shark.

Two of the remaining boats must be Lobster and Deep sea fish and have had Baltic camouflage. They must be S 57 and S 60.

S 56 must then be Shark and S 36 must be Saw fish.

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Zitat von: Urs Heßling am 22 September 2013, 15:14:49

Zitat von: alo41 am 21 September 2013, 10:27:20
Where is it? Vegesack?
Nein. Der Hintergrund paßt nicht zu deutschen Nordseehäfen. Möglich wären mMn: Kiel, Eckernförde, Flensburg, Stralsund.

Gruß, Urs

I think I have found this place.    Travemünde

Postcard with Tsingtau and 1 S-Ftl.

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Zitat von: alo41 am 23 Februar 2014, 16:34:58
There is a 3 S-Ftl album for sale on The seller is also offering a Soldbuch.
They can be from S 59. There is a signature from Albert Müller and a photo.

Soldbuch: Militaria 321  (Soldbuch, Schnellboot)

There was also two photos in the album showing the final day for the 3 S-Ftl in Finland.
S 60, S 55, S 54, S 59 and S 57 went from Windau to Turku (the old 2 S-Ftl base at Pensor?) on 21 Sep. They met there with the Begleitschiff Carl Peters.

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There is some 51 VP-Ftl photos on Ebay. Link:

Is it the Begleitschiffe Carl Peters with 3 S-Ftl?

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It is not Carl Peters. It is Adolf Lüderitz. Intresting camouflage on one of the Schnellboote (Type S 30?).

Where can it be?

A photo showing Adolf Lüderitz with the same camouflage in Windau 1941.

A better photo showing Carl Peters.

Note the yellow(?) gun shields on both ships and the yellow roof over the gun on Carl Peters. Is there any documentation regarding yellow color in the Baltic 1941?

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Urs Heßling

hi, Alo,

Zitat von: alo41 am 02 März 2014, 18:29:23
S 60, S 55, S 54, S 59 and S 57 went from Windau to Turku (the old 2 S-Ftl base at Pensor?) on 21 Sep.
Nur 4 Boote gingen nach Pensar (Frage mit ja beantwortet), S 54 mußte wegen Maschinenschaden umkehren und blieb mit S 53 (von 2. SFltl der 3. zugeteilt) in Windau.
Qu.: KTB 3. SFltl 16.-30.9.41

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Hi Urs,

Thank you for the information. The house in the background is then the young "Lotta" house.  Link:

Kemnad writes that S 33 joined S 54 in Windau. I guess that S 53 is the correct boat and S 33 is a misstake.

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Urs Heßling

Zitat von: alo41 am 06 März 2014, 16:35:35
Kemnad write that S 33 joined S 54 in Windau. I guess that S 53 is the correct boat and S 33 is a misstake.
Ja. S 33 wurde von 6. SFltl an 3. SFltl übergeben, aber für dringend reparaturbedürftig befunden (Rep. in Wilhelmshaven bis ca. 5.10.41)

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"



Good, that makes more sence.

Carl Peters were at Pensar once before in June 1941. She had a diffrent "Baltic" camoflage with stripes at that time. (see also page 1, this thread) What did Carl Peters do between June and Sep.? She was not with her 1 S-Ftl in Helsinki as I understand it. Did she stay at Pensar? When was she repainted?


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