
Begonnen von joern, 18 September 2012, 09:15:54

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

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Hi Urs,

Yes, it must be the Leitende in the grey coat. He can also be sean on the official Schlichting photo (first row, no 4 from the left). I have added one more Schlichting photo with him to the left (album man in the center and Schnebel).

The green jacket man could be Schnebel. He looks very "commander". I would have liked to see yellow officer piping on his Schiffmütze. It might be there and is only difficult to see on this bad photo. He might also be Seeman No. 1.

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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 22 Juli 2023, 09:27:32Seeman No. 1.
Die deutsche "Seemännische Nr. 1" ist im Englischen der Boatswain, an Bord eines Schnellboots ein Bootsmannsmaat (kein Portepee-Unteroffizier)

Mehrere "Seem. Nr. 1" stiegen im Verlauf des Krieges zu Bootskommandanten auf.

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Thanks Urs,
Next in the album is Svolvaer where S 113 joined the other 6 SFTl boats and Tsingtau. S 113 got there on 1 May and is the white boat to the right on the photo. The other two boats are already camouflaged (black geometrical and sprayed waves).

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Two more photos. I assume it is S 113.

1. S 113 without camouflage (on the air intake). I think it is the photographers shadow we see on the dodger.
2. S 113 with three other boats. Can this be the fjord inspection trip on 14 May with S 69, S 71, S 73, S 74 and S 76 (HMA)?

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Urs Heßling


Zitat von: alo41 am 26 Juli 2023, 11:04:002. S 113 with three other boats. Can this be the fjord inspection trip on 14 May with S 69, S 71, S 73, S 74 and S 76 (HMA)?
Eher nein, weil
- S 113 bei dieser Fahrt (als Führerboot) fünf Boote hinter sich hatte
- die Boote im Kielwasser keinen Tarnanstrich zu haben scheinen

Da die von Dir genannte Fahrt die einzige Fahrt von S 113 in Norwegen mit der Flottille war, stellt sich die Frage, wann, wo und von wem das Foto gemacht wurde

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"


Hi Urs,

Yes, I have some problems with this photo as well. I think S 113 had an extra amunition box and still the longer railing poles by the 2 cm gun. I can not see these on the photo. The background looks like Norway but does not have to be. There are two possible explanations:

1. It is S 113 and the missing details are hidden by the bad photo quality.
2. It is from another 6 Sftl boat.

I have posted another photo that looks like it is from the same roll of film. A Stabsobermachinist in a Sclichting boat (it must be S 113). I have also posted a photo (diffrent roll of film) with the album man on a boat (S 113) showing the extra amunition box etc. It must be summer 1942.


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S 113 hitt the rocks with the propellers during a "Kontrollefahrt" on 18 May 1942 (HMA). There is a photo of S 69 in the album. S 69 can be identified by the camouflage and a photo Urs posted. Link #1237:
S 113 was also camouflaged by this date.


1. S 69 in the album
2. S 69 identification
3. S 113, note the Wappen
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S 113 was later (24 May) towed to Trondheim and put in a dry dock on 1 June.

1. S 113 in Trondheim, Nyhavna. The photographer was standing in front of the U-Boot bunker Dora. The houses in the background have just been built as a part of the Dora base. They will be bombed already in 1943.

2. S 113 in the dry dock. "Schraubensalat"

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The S 113 album has a few ski photos that must have been taken at the same place and time as two photos in the first 6 SFtl album. It must be close to Svolvär in May 1942.

1 and 2. from the first 6 SFtl album.
3. Leitende on S 113
4 and 5. S 113 crew? I can not see the album man.

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I first thought that Schnebel was also on the ski trip. A closer inspection of the photo shows that he is standing on the bridge (S 113?) of a Schnellboot with another Schnellboot next to it. It must be Svolvaer May 1942.

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S 113 were being repaired in Trondheim (Drontheim) for two and a half months, May-August. The crew had a lot of time for diffrent trips in the contryside.

1. A hot uphill walk. Probebly not in Trondheim. There is not any leafs on the trees so it must be spring, April 1942. Kristiansand Süd?
2. Waterfall Nedre Leirfoss outside Trondheim. Album man in the center.
3. The album man. They probably had a bus in Trondheim. Bus type?
4-5. The white caps. It looks like they think it is a gangster thing (Al Capone style?).
6-7. Leitende and Schnebel. Always full uniform even for a walk in the country. Where?

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Two more photos from summer 1942.

1. A Luftwaffehelferin?
2. Schnebel in the side car of a Heer BMW motor bike. The bike is marked (I think) for a Werkstattkompanie motorized infantry. What can the marking "V" mean?

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Zitat von: alo41 am 06 August 2023, 20:26:17Hi,

S 113 hitt the rocks with the propellers during a "Kontrollefahrt" on 18 May 1942 (HMA). There is a photo of S 69 in the album. S 69 can be identified by the camouflage and a photo Urs posted. Link #1237:
S 113 was also camouflaged by this date.


1. S 69 in the album
2. S 69 identification
3. S 113, note the Wappen

I'm a little surprised by the camouflage colors. I know that shades of blue-gray, light brown and another kind of gray were used, but even such a shade of green? I assume the same color shades were also used on the camo S 69 (but in different shapes)? Isn't it possible that instead of the green, it would be a different shade of gray or blue-gray?


This morning I noticed that Italeri have finally released a 1/35 S-26 Schnellboot kit. This kit was first announced 3 years ago and I had given up hope it would ever materialize. Italeri have added an extra 2cm Flak 38 gun instead of the 4cm Bofors gun provided in the old S-38 kit. They have modified the Brunnen and added some mines and even dodgers :



Urs Heßling


Das Modell sieht eindrucksvoll aus top

Mit der Historie hapert es allerdings deutlich  :|
1) Anfangstext : die Boote hatten nicht 12- , sondern 20-Zylinder-Motore
2) Bild 4 /Version A
- die Boote der Typen S 26/S 38 hatten während der Ostsee-Einsätze 1941 noch keine Bugflak (!)
- die Boote der Typen S 26/S 38 hatten während der Ostsee-Einsätze 1941 noch keinen Funkpeiler auf der Brücke
- die Boote der 1. S-Fltl haben während des Ostsee-Einsatzes 1941 niemals Minen geworfen, das machten nur Boote der 2. und 5. S-Fltl
- wenn Minen geworfen wurden, wurden pro Boot sechs (6) und nicht 4 Minen geworfen
- das Boot der  1. S-Fltl trägt das Wappen der 6. S-Fltl am Bug
- das gezeigte Tarnschema gab es bei Booten der 2. S-Fltl, die Boote der 1. S-Fltl hatten ein anderes (siehe Anhang Bild 5)
3) Bild 5 / Version B
- diese Tarnung ist nicht die Norwegen-Tarnung der 6. S-Fltl (Anhang Bild 1 und 2), sondern das "Ostsee 1941"-Tarnschema der Boote der 2. S-Fltl (Anhang Bild 3)
- die "Adler mit Torpedo"-Markierung in Kombination mit diesem Tarnschema gehört zum Boot S 42 der 2. S-Fltl in der Ostsee 1941. Ein Foto gibt es in dem Buch "Schnellboote vor" (Hugo Bürger) auf Seite 37 unten, das wegen Copyright hier nicht eingestellt werden kann. Vom weiteren "Lebenslauf des Bootes mit der 8. (!) S-Fltl in Norwegen im Winter 1941/42 gibt es ein Foto, aber ohne Kombination mit einem Tarnschema (Anhang Bild 4)

Gruß, Urs
"History will tell lies, Sir, as usual" - General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne zu seiner Niederlage bei Saratoga 1777 im Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg - nicht in Wirklichkeit, aber in George Bernard Shaw`s Bühnenstück "The Devil`s Disciple"

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